
Mojca Breščak

Mojca Breščak
Mojca Breščak

Mojca Breščak, MSc, started her career in year 2000 as project manager in Development Agency Sinergija. In 2004 in the frame of DA Sinergija she with her colleagues prepared everything necessary for establishment of the first Local Energy Agency in Slovenia – Local Energy Agency for Pomurje region and was its first director. She continued her career in City Municipality of Murska Sobota as adviser to the mayor and in 2008 she assumed the position of director of Development centre Murska Sobota. Today she works as senior advised in Municipality of Moravske Toplice.

Her work focuses on development project supported by EU. Beside the EU projects, she collaborated on preparation of Regional Development Programme for Pomurje region for periods 2007-2013 and 2014-2020. She worked as well on Development programmes for City Municipality of Murska Sobota (OKO, Vision 2020, Sustainable urban strategy). As Project Coordinator in partner city Murska Sobota she collaborated in project European Capital of Culture Maribor 2012. In the year 2012 she joined the Regional Development Council of Pomurje Region. In 2016 Development centre Murska Sobota received the status of regional development agency. In 2018 she joined the Municipality of Moravske Toplice team and is working on sustainable development of Municipality Moravske Toplice with focus on tourism.