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Invitation of the Representation of Saxony-Anhalt to the German-speaking Protestant Community of Brussels at the 17/10/2023 →
The Head of the State Chancellery and Minister of Culture, Minister of State Rainer Robra, cordially invites you on Tuesday, 17 October 2023, from 18:00. This time, the State Representation of Saxony Anhalt is the guest of the German-speaking Protestant community in Brussels.
19.09.2023 • Germany -
Pilgrimage guide training →
The next training to become a pilgrimage guide will take place from May to September 2024. You can apply now!
02.06.2023 • Switzerland -
Travel offer City Pilgrimage in Vienna →
There will be city pilgrimage to Vienna in October 2023, where a few places are still available. You will romp between Habsburg history, the legendary Central Cemetery and Schönbrunn Palace, the cafés and Heurigen and let ourselves be charmed by the Viennese charm.
02.06.2023 • Austria -
Two new members for the scientific advisory board →
We are very happy to tell you that we were able to win two more top-class members for our scientific advisory board. With Prof. Dr. Christian Baumgartner for the field of sustainable tourism and Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Bünker for the field of Protestant religion, the scientific advisory board of the Routes of Reformation is very well and broadly positioned both in terms of content and geography.
29.04.2023 -
Resolution 2488 (2023) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the CoE →
The Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe are a platform for intercultural dialogue. The attached Resolution 2488 (2023) is adopted by the Standing Committee, acting on behalf of the Assembly, on 3 March 2023 and shows the importance of the Cultural Routes.
29.04.2023 -
The Annual Advisory Forum for all European Cultural Routes of the CoE →
The 11th Annual meeting called „Advisory Forum on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe took place from 5th-7th October 2022 in Chania (Crete), Greece. This forum was supported by several Hellenic high level insititutions and had more than 300 participants.
09.12.2022 -
In retrospect: The RoR General Assembly on 18th October 2022 in Ceske Budejovice →
15 members and 8 guests were present at this General Assembly. A guest message was brought to the Assembly by Miguel Ángel Martin Ramos as representative of Route Carlos V. and member of the so called Tast Force of ECRs, a second one was given later by Mr. Vlastislav Ouroda, Vice-Minister for Culture of the Czech Republic.
20.10.2022 -
Waldensian Bibles Editions from the 15th to the 19th century →
A temporary exhibition at the Waldensian Cultural Centre Foundation, Torre Pellice, curated by Marco Fratini, Lorenzo Di Lenardo and Stefania Villani
11.09.2022 -
An interview with Mirko Gutjahr →
Mirko Gutjahr is an archaeologist and historian. Since May he has been head of the three museums in Eisleben and Mansfeld: Luther's Birthplace, Luther's Parents' Home and Luther's Death House. Privately, he runs two podcasts with scurrilous stories about history and archaeology. He lives in Leipzig (but is about to move to Eisleben soon).
03.09.2022 -
25 years of the Foundation Luther Memorials: Anniversary with a new brand name →
The Foundation Luther Memorials in Saxony-Anhalt invites you to a big anniversary celebration in Wittenberg on 3rd September to mark its 25th anniversary. In addition, from now on the Foundation will communicate with the new brand name "LutherMuseums", combined with a new corporate design.
01.09.2022 -
The museum as an extracurricular place of learning →
Every year over 12.000 children and young adults, organised in school classes or confirmation groups experience the different offers of the cultural education of the Foundation Luther Memorial on three spots – Eisleben, Mansfeld and Wittenberg.
21.08.2022LutherMuseen, Uwe Schulze -
News from us! →
Always up to date? The latest news from our cultural route.
21.08.2022 -
Board meeting in Torre Pellice →
For the first time since autumn 2019, the members of the Board met in person - this time in Torre Pellice.
03.07.2022 -
From Wartburg Castle to the World →
To mark the 500th anniversary of the translation of the Bible, a pilgrimage relay from Eisenach to Wittenberg took place in May.
03.07.2022 -
Our member Museum Mühlberg 1547 →
In summer 1546 Emperor Charles V was preparing to go to war against the Protestant princes. What is today known as the Schmalkaldic war became the first religious conflict on German soil and culminated with the battle of Mühlberg. It took place on April 24, 1547 and ended with a complete defeat of the Schmalkaldic army and the capture of the Saxon Elector.
10.04.2022Andreas Franke, Landkreis Elbe-Elster -
Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme: Activity Report 2021 available →
Routes of Reformation with a wide range of innovation and activity throughout the year 2021 thanks to its engaged members and despite pandemic restrictions
16.03.2022 -
The History of the Protestant Church in Slovenia →
The history of Slovenia is not a history of great kings and nations. The small country has been part of various empires and dominions for centuries. Nevertheless, it retained its identity, language and culture.
20.02.2022 -
The family album of Valentin Winsheim returns to the Luther House →
45 years ago it was stolen from the then permanent exhibition in the Luther Hall - now it is returning to the Luther House: the 16th century family album of Valentin Winsheim with a handwritten entry by Philipp Melanchthon. With the return by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, both institutions started a cooperation for the digitisation and digital presentation of prints from the 16th century.
20.02.2022 -
Since September 2021: A new headquarter for Routes of Reformation →
The new Routes of Reformation headquarter is deeply linked to the reformation history in Germany and was the place, where Luther went to school.
22.12.2021 • Germany -
"Pest". A plague changes the world →
Hardly any other disease has left such a mark on Western culture and shaped the cultural memory of Europe as deeply as the plague. Even though the last major outbreak on European soil took place three centuries ago, it is still present today.
26.09.2021 -
First Slovenian book - the Catechismus - translated into German →
In June 2021 the Slovenian group called Trubarjev Forum translated and published the first Slovenian book Catechismus (1550) for the first time into German language. The original author was Primus Truber (1508-1586), who is today considered by the Slovenes as the “Father of the nation”.
26.09.2021 -
The Route of Jan Hus: Relay Pilgrimage →
4 days, 3 nights, a distance of 250 km, adults, grandparents, children, teenagers, cyclists, pilgrims and several dogs - all these people (and animals) took part in this year's relay pilgrimage of The Route of Jan Hus starting on 3 July and ending on 6 July 2021.
12.09.2021 -
TV interview with RoR President Detlev Geissler →
"The Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe exist for decades. They show the diversity of European cultural history lively - across borders and languages."
23.07.2021 -
Traces of Reformation at Maretsch Castle in Bolzano (ITA) →
RoR-President Detlev Geissler had a special appointment this June at Maretsch Castle in Bolzano / South Tyrol where he visited spectacular traces of Reformation.
06.07.2021 -
Routes of Reformation sign officially handed out →
One of the well known historical sites of reformation history is the Protestant Augustiner monastery Erfurt / Germany. Martin Luther began his studies in 1501 at the University of Erfurt; he became a monk in the Augustiner monastery and studied theology from 1505 until 1508 at this place.
12.05.2021 -
Cooperation agreement: Forte Cultura - Routes of Reformation →
Forte Cultura is candidate as a Cultural Route of CoE and has members also in Central Europe; some of them are related to the reformation history (e.g. Torgau, Erfurt).
01.06.2020 -
Report about the 9th Cultural Routes Advisory Forum of the Council of Europe →
Sibiu, Romania, 2nd to 4th October 2019
16.10.2019 • Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Switzerland -
Routes of Reformation named Cultural Route of the Council of Europe →
We were just informed that we have been selected as a certified Cultural Route of the Council of Europe programme in the 2018/2019 cycle.
04.05.2019 -
Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme →
12.04.2019 -
Our partner Luther Pass and the museum in Mühlberg/Elbe →
02.04.2019 • Germany