Luther’s Parents’ Home

Mansfeld / Germany

luther's parents' home
Related personality
  • Martin Luther (1483–1546)
  • Museum
  • Building

Luther’s home was Mansfelder Land. It was in Eisleben that the future reformer took his first breath, but just a few months after his birth, the Luder family moved to Mansfeld. Luther’s parents decided to settle here, purchasing a house and setting up their own business.

Other than Wittenberg, Luther lived here longer than anywhere else. He spent 13 years in Mansfeld as a child and went to school here; this is where he received the education that offered him an entry to the academic world. He established lifelong friendships here, and it was also here that he discovered his love for music. As a ‘Mansfeldisch Kind’, ‘a child of Mansfeld’, Martin Luther felt strong ties to the County of Mansfeld throughout his life.

In 2014, Luther’s Parental Home was completely renovated and extended with the addition of a modern new museum building. It is shown how Martin Luther spent his formative years here, and just how close his bond to Mansfeld remained until the end of his days. The everyday life of the Luder family, the games and duties of young Martin, and the family’s close ties to the city, church and County of Mansfeld are the focus of the exhibition.

Luther’s Parents’ Home
Lutherstraße 29
06343 Mansfeld
e-mail address

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